BibTex – describing and processing lists of references
The most important functionalities:
- the basic style of managing citations in publications
- creating, processing and sorting lists of references according to a certain format
- the format of processing lists of references used by publishing houses
- enables quick bibliometric data transfer between different portals for scholars
- automatically creates lists of records in the social media designed for scholars
- quick citation completion in bibliography management tools (EndNote, Citavi, Mendeley, JabRef) and document preparation systems (based on LaTex or Overleaf)
Recommended to academic teachers and students:
- creating their accounts on many social media services and looking for a solution which ensures that the information will be completed automatically
- preparing lists of references using bibliography managers and typesetting single texts or whole books
Basic activities:
- transferring publication records between different services (e.g. Google Scholar and ORCID)
In your Google Scholar profile check articles that you want to export (1) and choose the Export (2) option. Then select BibTex (3) (you can also use different formats to export and import metadata, e.g. EndNote, Citavi, Mendeley, JabRef).
Your publication records in the BibTex format will appear in a new window. In the publication record field click the right mouse button and choose Save page as…. You have just exported your publication record in the BibTex format.
In ORCID service find the Works (1) bookmark, choose Add works (2) and indicate Import BibTeX (3). Import the file you have just created.
After uploading your publication record you can save all the records or make a selection. Save selected records or all of them using Save all (e.g. after deleting the unnecessary elements).
If necessary, you can edit the imported articles using the pencil icon.
Remember that most services for scholars (e.g. ORCID and Scopus) offer the possibility of exporting a publication record. The process can also be applied to the university systems designed to manage scholar publication records.
In ORCID you can add publications using DOI.
- Quick citation completion in bibliography management tools and document preparation systems
Scientific text search engines (e.g. Google Scholar) offer the possibility of downloading the metadata of the chosen publications in the BibTex format –select the quotation mark icon (1) under a chosen article and download the metadata.
Such data can be copied to a publication record manager based on the LaTex system (e.g. JabRef) or a typesetting system to make the citation process faster (e.g. Overleaf).