Dr. Marina Appiou Nikiforou
Dr. Marina Appiou Nikiforou is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics. Marina holds a Ph.D. in Pure Mathematics (University of South Florida, United States), a M.A. in Mathematics (University of South Florida) and a B.Sc. in Mathematics (University of Cyprus). Her research interests include Geometric topology and algebraic structures. More specifically, she focuses on Knot theory and quandle cocycles. In the past few years, she is also interested on how technology affects teaching and learning mathematics and statistics at college level students. She has been worked in other Erasmus+ projects concerning Mathematics education and Technology, like developing open educational resources for teaching math in high school level using gamification and implementing Jupyter notebooks for teaching math and physics to college level students. Moreover, she is promoting the idea of the use of ICTs and open educational resources in higher education. She is also considering on using learning trajectories as a tool for instruction in STEM education.