Google – discussion groups

Google – discussion groups

The most important functionalities:

  • creating closed discussion forums
  • task delegation
  • calendar and event management due to Google calendar synchronization
  • quick communication with all group members due to Google Gmail synchronization
  • archiving, arranging and tagging posts sent to the discussion group
  • intuitive operation
  • available for computers, tablets, smartphones
  • quick discussion search
  • meeting planning

Recommended to:

  • professional work e.g. in home office mode
  • private contacts
  • asynchronic communication and information exchange within closed groups
  • sending and sharing data
  • group projects
  • international teams
  • meetings and conferences organizers
  • everybody who looks for people sharing the same interests
  • private individuals acting in different fields, collaborating with different groups

How to set up a group in Google Groups

Step 1.

Log in to your Google account and go to the webpage: Choose Create Group button (1) and give a name to your group (2.1), describe it (2.2) and choose some parameters e.g. language, group type (forum, Q&A or mail list) (2.3). Having filled up the required fields, click the Create button (3).

Step 2

Add members to your group. Choose the group you want to add members to. In the group window choose the option Manage members (1) and on the left side panel choose Invite members (2). Type the e-mail addresses of the people you want to invite (2.1), add your message (2.2) and click the Send invitations button (3). Your invitation has been sent. People who accept your invitation will appear on the group members list in the bookmark Members (4).

Step 3

Create a new topic by choosing the New Topic button (1). Type the post title and its content in a new window. Add it to a group forum, choosing the Post button (2). You have just created the first post in a group, other members can see and comment on it. Wait for other members’ replies. You can also delete or modify your message.

For further information on using Google Groups see: